Workshop: Other (food & art) economies are possible! (NL)

From 8 to 10 July 2019, we participated in a workshop at the Rural Sociology Department of the University of Wageningen (NL) that brought together leading scientists and artists with shared commitments in the areas of diverse economies, food systems transformation, and the commons. The aim of the workshop was to destabilize the boundaries between art and science in order to promote social transformation by borrowing methods and approaches from each.

Together with Kate Rich (Cube Cola, Feral Trade, UK), Binna Choi, Erik Uitenbogaard, Marianna Takou (CASCO Art Institute: Working for the Commons, NL), Valeria Battistotti and Carlo Bettinelli (Comunità Frizzante, IT), Wendy Harcourt (IT/NL), Pascale Gatzen (ARtez Fashion Held in Common, NL) and Fabio Franz (Brave New Alps, IT), Oona Morrow, Anke de Vrieze and Chizu Sato (Center for Space, Place, and Society) we asked:


● How to live well together?
● How to care for places and nurture commons?
● How to rethink economy along more sustainable pathways?
● How to perform different kinds of economies through art ?
● And how to relate differently to the non-human world ?


Here you can download the documentation zine we produced on the last day.

Thank you Oona Morrow, Anke de Vrieze and Chizu Sato for organising this productive gathering.