Practice-theory relay: Forno Vagabondo – a social, mobile oven We are happy announce that with Forno Vagabondo a new practice-theory relay is taking off. The relay is developed by Flora Mammana in collaboration with six partners of the Vallagarina. Can an everyday practice like baking sourdough bread be a way to connect us to interwoven but often invisible worlds? With the world of fungi and bacteria, with the community in which we live, and finally with agriculture, which precedes fermentation processes? A network of passionate home bakers, socio-culturally and agriculturally active associations in the territory co-created an experimental idea to ferment diverse food economies in Alta Vallagarina (TN)- a mobile social oven called “Forno Vagabondo”. The “Forno Vagabondo” will travel through villages on board of an electric cargo bicycle and will be a meeting point for practical and creative activities focused on the components of the “bread system”. The activities will be an opportunity of exchange and experimentation with the aim of fermenting communities and bringing people closer to issues such as sustainability, biodiversity, and care of the territory, through the practice of convivial baking. “Forno Vagabondo” is a network project, which is supported by the “Fondazione Trentina per il Volontariato Sociale” – sVOLTA. PrintFriendly