Bimbinbosco – one day workshop A day dedicated to the exploration of forest pedagogy through stories, dialogues and practical experiences. The day was organized in response to the themes that emerged during the Vallagarina 2060 laboratories and was organized in collaboration with Sofia Set and the Sullaterrabenesto association which manages four forest pedagogy kindergartens (age 3-7) in Trentino (IT). The structure of the day 9:00 Arrival 9:30 Welcome circle 10:15 Introduction and game to get to know each other 11:10 am Little break 11:20 Stories of experiences from the Sullaterrabenesto association 12:30 Lunch 14:00 Working groups: What needs and desires do we have towards education in nature? 15:15 Thematic groups on practical issues related to the initiation of forest pedagogy experiences 16:30 Reflection and next steps 17:00 We say goodbye PrintFriendly