Publication: Vallagarina 2060 – territorio di vita solidale e sostenibile

The map is here! This A1 size poster (in Italian) brings together the desires and ideas for the Vallagarina that have been expressed during 14 workshops with a total of over 70 participants. The last workshop took place just before the pandemic hit the Vallagarina in March 2020. While on the front the graphic designers of Marameolab – Veronica Martini and Manuela Dasser – have given shape to concepts and practices, on the back the key approaches that guided the workshops are outlined.

We are currently working on bringing to life 1:1 scale experiments of some of the desires expressed during the workshops, especially around how education can be mobilized to connect children and adults to nature and around how we can work towards food sovereignty.

Download the poster here: ACElab_Vallagarina2060_it


Download the poster here: ACElab_Vallagarina2060_it