Spring School: New European Bauhaus meets Community Economies We are pleased to announce that early registration for the New European Bauhaus meets Community Economies Spring School is now open! The 4-day in person event will take place from…
Webinar: How do you fund it? In this first seminar in the New European Bauhaus meets Community Economies series, we map the monetary and non-monetary inputs that allowed the community academy La Foresta and the…
Community Economies in Action – A practice Retreat in Europe From 11 to 19 July 2023, Bianca, Flora and Kate Rich brought together 30 people for the first Community Economies Practice Retreat to explore how to press forward with ways…
Community Economies in Action: A Practice Retreat 2023 Together with the Community Economies Institute we announce an inspiring Practice Retreat: Community Economies in Action. The retreat will be held 12-19 July 2023, in the Italian Alps (in Rovereto,…
Researching Postcapitalist Possibilities – Community economies institute From 1-9 June, Bianca and Flora Mammana have been facilitating the face-to-face node of this year’s summer school organised by the Community Economies Institute. Under the banner of Researching Postcapitalist…
Being Ecosystem 2060 In May 2022, Bianca ran a second one-week workshop at Fondazione Pistoletto, this time in collaboration with Flora Mammana and Matteo Pra Mio. Also this time we worked with a…
#biellesevero 2060 We just spent a fantastic week at Cittadellarte in Biella (IT) to work with a group of brilliant highschool students and emerging artists on the future of the territory…
International award for Comunità Frizzante Comunità Frizzante has been awarded the Lush Spring Prize 2021 in the category Young Project. We are very happy about this support and proud to stand in connection with so…
Rural Commons Assembly in Tyrol We just spent some stellar days in Tryol with fellow commoners from rural areas across the Alps. In collaboration with artist Johannes Reisigl, initiatives came together who activate the power…
Upcoming: Rural Commons Festival At the end of May and beginning of June, we will be celebrating rural commons in three valleys of the Trentino region (IT) on three consecutive week-ends. The festival…